lic. iur. HSG Giuseppe Mongiovì 1, 2
1 Notary Public in the Canton of Glarus
2 Operates through the legal entity MLEGAL AG

Phone: 044 268 47 47

Born: 1979
Admitted: 2007
Languages: German, Italian, English, French, Spanish

Education / Professional experience

2002 traineeships in law firms in domestic and foreign law firms
2004 University of St. Gallen (lic. iur. HSG)
2004 – 2008 judircial clerk at the Cantonal Court of Glarus
2007 admitted to the bar and admitted as a notary public in the canton of Glarus
2008-2011 associate in a business law firm in Zurich
2009 secondement with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, FINMA
2011 partner with Erne Meier Mongiovì

Further occupational activities 

Auditor for the Self-Regulatory Organization of the Swiss Bar Association and the Swiss Notary Association (SRO SAV/SNV) in Anti-money Laundering matters